Be sure to check out our Live Ice Schedule for Pucks No Pancakes Dates and Times!
Pucks No Pancakes
Pucks No Pancakes
Started in March of 2021, Pucks, No Pancakes (PNP) is a fun, year round adult C,D level skate. A slower paced and mildly competitive game for the newer, returning or casual player or goalie. PNP players are encouraging and respectful to each other’s skill level. The Saturday morning slot allows you to get your ice time in and be home before anyone else wakes up.
Pucks, No Pancakes pickup is limited to 24 skaters, so each player has more ice time and puck opportunities and is only $17 per skate!
Contact Mike Johnson: for more information and on how to secure a spot.
Drop In Only $17! Call us at (440) 543-3884 or EMAIL US for more information!